Overall water use in the Comox Valley continues to be very high at about 675 litres per person per day. In comparison, average water use in the City of Nanaimo (which has a universal water meter system) is about 450 liters per person per day.
The answer put forth is water meters. The cost of universal metering in the Comox Valley is estimated at about $20 - $33 million (depending on who does the calculation and if they include interest).
However, I have a source that tells me that they have hard evidence (I've seen it) that we actually only use between 485 l. per person per day. If I can convince them to let me post it, we can perhaps have an informed and serious debate about meters and their high cost. If the numbers prove to be correct, we have got to get the politicians to re-prioritize.
If you are going to spend millions of dollars, some possible priorities before meters a

1. Water safety. The current water intake is at the top of the water where all the impurities are. This requires more filtration and chlorination.
2. Water supply - we have a water license that is 30+ years old. The valley population has nearly tripled in that time.
3. Water line repairs. There needs to be money invested in fixing old and leaky water lines throughout the Valley. I'm trying to find some documentation on this, but I've had government people tell me that up to 20% of water wasted is through leaky infrastructure. The CV Regional District hasn't even checked this yet to my knowledge.
Here's something else to think about: If meters were to go ahead, the city would charge you money based on what you used. If in fact people ended up conserving a substantial amount, the city revenues would go down (and they always need/want more). Then you would probably see water rates most likely go UP to make up lost revenue.
Wouldn't that be ironic...stop 'wasting' in order to save money and end up paying more?
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